Solutions for Individuals Listed at the National Bank of Belgium
Being listed at the National Bank of Belgium can lead to major financial complications. Discover our tailored solutions to get out of this situation and regain your financial freedom, even if you are a homeowner.
Listed? We have solutions…
Failing to repay your credit for more than two installments will inevitably lead to your listing with the National Bank of Belgium. The consequences can be unfortunate… Read the following information carefully.
We are at your disposal for any further information.
Listing at the National Bank of Belgium
Did you know that:
- Every credit taken out must be registered with the Central Credit Register for individuals by your lending institution. The Central Credit Register for individuals is a division of the National Bank of Belgium. Its mission is to combat over-indebtedness.
- If you fail to pay your premium for 3 consecutive months, your lending institution is legally obliged to report your credit or loan contract to the National Bank of Belgium, which will proceed with your listing.
- When you are listed at the National Bank of Belgium, your file is sent to the litigation department of your lending institution, which will try to find a solution with you to recover its money or, failing that, will initiate legal proceedings that may lead to the forced recovery of the unpaid credit balance from your assets. This may involve the seizure of your assets and a public sale.
- As long as your credit is not settled, you remain listed at the National Bank of Belgium, with the consequence that no credit institution (bank or broker) will be able to lend you money. You can no longer borrow.
- Once you have settled your credit, the lending institution is legally obliged to request the National Bank of Belgium to remove your listing.
- You will have to wait 15 months after the removal of your listing to be able to take out a new credit or apply for a new loan.
Being listed is therefore a delicate situation. However, Crédit Populaire Européen can offer you solutions to get out of this embarrassing situation:
We offer you:
- If you are a homeowner, to grant you a homeowner credit by taking out mortgage guarantees on your property.
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- Prêt personnel
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- Regroupement de crédits
- Et bien d’autres…
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- Justificatif de domicile.
- Agence de Mersch – Rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 12
- Agence d’Esch-sur-Alzette – Rue de la Libération, 56
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- Indiquez le montant et la durée pour estimer vos mensualités en quelques secondes.
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- ✔ Le type de prêt (prêt personnel, auto, travaux, regroupement de crédits…).
- ✔ Le montant emprunté : plus le montant est élevé, plus les conditions peuvent varier.
- ✔ La durée de remboursement : un prêt plus long peut influencer le taux d’intérêt.