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Finance the purchase of your new or used car

Ready to buy the car of your dreams? Whether it’s a new model, a used one, or an eco-friendly city car, benefit from a car loan tailored to your needs. Our expertise accompanies you to make the right choice with peace of mind.

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I’m buying a car

The financing of a car generally results from a real effort in managing the family budget. Often, savings are not enough, and resorting to other sources of financing becomes necessary. Given the importance of such an acquisition, many parameters deserve your full attention. Whether the purchase is for a new or used car, you must be attentive to every detail.

Which model? What warranty period? How is the registration tax estimated? What about insurance? The actual condition of the vehicle? So many questions that deserve to be resolved before making a decision.

I’m organizing…

The purchase of a vehicle, whether new or used, represents a significant investment. Ask yourself the right questions before embarking on this adventure.

What engine?


Pros: Known for being more eco-friendly and economical, the diesel engine is particularly appreciated. Its cost is higher at purchase, but resale is less difficult due to their popularity. Its emission of unburned hydrocarbons and CO2 is estimated to be 20% less than that of a gasoline engine, and its consumption is reduced by about 15%.

Cons: The purchase cost of the diesel engine is higher. Similarly, the cost of maintenance and insurance.

Tip: To make the most of the benefits offered by a diesel engine, it is advisable to travel at least 20,000 km per year.


Pros: Vehicles equipped with a gasoline engine are offered at a more advantageous price. A wide choice of models exists on the market, making it easier to find a car perfectly suited to your needs. Furthermore, gasoline engines benefit from cheaper maintenance costs.

Cons: The ecological impact is greater than for a diesel engine since CO2 and unburned hydrocarbon emissions are higher. It should be noted that this type of engine is also more fuel-hungry.

What equipment?

In terms of equipment, the most eco-friendly and economical cars are always the most interesting.

A vehicle equipped with LPG or Liquefied Petroleum Gas is less polluting and operates with a fuel whose price is lower compared to other energy sources. The use of LPG may entitle you to a tax credit or, in certain areas, an exemption from registration fees, but it is advisable to inquire.

As there are not yet many choices for vehicles equipped with LPG, installing a special kit can be an interesting alternative. The repair must be entrusted to an approved professional for more safety. Unfortunately, its cost is quite high. You should expect to pay between 1,000 and 3,000 euros. This installation must be revised and approved every 8 years. For safety reasons, LPG is not allowed to park in certain parking lots, such as the Channel Tunnel.

A car equipped with ABS is also more efficient and safer since this system allows the wheels to unlock during braking.

Other aspects, such as the choice of gearbox, can be considered when purchasing. While the manual gearbox optimizes the power of small engines, the automatic gearbox contributes to driver comfort. In any case, this choice has no impact on consumption.

And on the administrative side?

When purchasing a used car, you will need to ask the seller to provide you with a technical inspection certificate.

What budget to plan?

  • Sports car or convertible coupe enthusiasts should plan between 20,000 and 50,000 € depending on the chosen vehicle model.
  • Are you a city car enthusiast? A budget of 8,000 to 35,000 € is necessary.
  • To drive a minivan or family car, the bill can vary between 8,000 and 90,000 €.

Be careful, entry-level prices do not always provide all the necessary comfort for vehicle use.

Good advice

When purchasing a used vehicle, be sure to check every detail. Require an up-to-date maintenance log to ensure the vehicle’s good condition. In case of repair, the seller must be able to provide you with invoices related to the work done. For a car that has been on the road for at least 4 years, a technical inspection certificate issued less than 6 months ago is essential.

Remember that your car will accompany you daily for a few years. Do not hesitate to take the necessary time to choose and compare offers before making a purchase decision.

Practical advice

5 points to check when buying a car.

1. The exterior aspect

A simple look at a vehicle is not enough to make a decision, especially without the help of a specialist. If possible, it is advisable to seek the assistance of someone knowledgeable. The most opportune time to see the vehicle is during the day. This allows you to better scrutinize every corner. To check if the paint is uniform. To spot any cracks or blisters on the bodywork. Or even, a door that does not close properly, worn-out tires, or any other detail revealing that the car is too worn or has been in an accident. Nothing should escape your vigilance.

2. The interior aspect

If the exterior check is satisfactory, you should also carefully examine the interior of the vehicle. From the floor to the ceiling, including the floor mats, everything should be reviewed in detail. Look for rust or hidden tears on the seat upholstery. Test the various functionalities and scrutinize all mechanical tools. Do not hesitate, even if it takes time. It is entirely legitimate on your part given the importance of the investment.

3. The engine condition

A problem with the engine could cost you a lot in repairs. Do not hesitate to check the various components. This is the best way to spot defective parts and verify the actual condition of the engine.

4. The documents to check

The main documents to examine carefully are the registration certificate and the vehicle’s maintenance log. The first allows you to verify that no other transaction has been made previously and that the car being sold is indeed that of the owner. The second helps you assess the vehicle’s condition. Be wary if the seller is not very enthusiastic about showing them to you.

5. The test drive

The last important thing if everything suits you is to take a test drive. Listen carefully to every noise, from start to stop, through the various accelerations. Take the time to feel, experience, and enjoy the comfort provided by the drive.

If everything seems satisfactory, take some time to reflect. Perhaps other points will arouse your curiosity or other questions will come to you later. In any case, the result of your examination should help you negotiate the price and save money.

Check list

The final steps before purchase.

Which model to choose?

The ideal is to choose a model in perfect harmony with the desired use. The most popular brands and models at the time of purchase may have a higher cost. If it’s the model you want, it may be worth waiting for this enthusiasm to subside to benefit from a better quality/price ratio or to turn to good deals.

Another tip, lesser-known brands that offer good models. This option can hold excellent surprises for you.

For used cars, prepare a checklist of questions to ask the seller. Do not overlook a perforated exhaust, an oil leak, or a bad joint because you like the color or because the seller promises to give you a discount. Everything must be systematically checked.

During the test drive

At the time of the test drive, here are some useful tips:

A battery in good condition should be able to start the engine even when the headlights are on. Otherwise, it will be necessary to check that there is no problem with the battery and other parts such as the ignition or carburetor.

During the test, remember to check the various indicators and gauges for battery charge or oil pressure. In case of doubt, seek the help of a professional. They will be able to advise you on the best decision to make.

The engine pitfalls

The engine deserves your full attention before purchase. To better judge the noise it emits, get out of the car when it is warming up and listen for any whistling. If a sound is heard and its volume increases when you block the exhaust outlet, the explanation could be a leak in the exhaust system.

If blue smoke is emitted and persists when accelerating, there may be a problem with the engine.

Similarly, noise coming from the engine when the hood is open is far from normal if it exceeds the simple clicking for a valve engine. For an overhead camshaft model, silence is required. Even a sharp clicking can be considered normal unless it persists.

That’s it! Have you decided to buy a new or used vehicle? Our company guides you to obtain the financing that matches your request: discover our car loan now on this page


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What our customers say

Koho C.
08:38 02 Dec 24
Très professionnel
Danielle M.
20:12 25 Nov 24
Aicha S.
18:36 25 Nov 24
Je suis ravie d’avoir contacter vos services, je suis touchée de ce côté professionnel en même temps humain , un énormément merci pour votre réactivité Madame Alonso y Redondo Anaïs, pour votre professionnalisme et savoir faire .Un tout grand merci à Monsieur Debacker Laurent pour votre patience, professionnalisme, ponctualité,Tout est passé a merveille.Bravo 👏
Lili M.
15:30 20 Nov 24
Un service rapide et impeccable merci je recommande fortement madame Pancu.
bruno L.
13:31 24 Oct 24
Parfait très professionnel et sérieux
Rodrigue G.
05:57 14 Oct 24
Après plusieurs mois de recherche et de refus chez plusieurs banquiers et courtiers, je suis tombé par hasard sur le site internet du Crédit Populaire Européen(CPE) où j’ai introduit une demande en ligne. Mon dossier à été attribué à madame Hamrouni qui, après une analyse approfondie de notre situation m’a redonné espoir. En 48h elle avait trouvé une solution pour nous avec un meilleur taux. Je recommande le CPE de Mons et madame Hamrouni en particulier pour son dévouement dans son travail.Merci encore pour tout.
Marie M.
12:43 06 Mar 24
Suite à mon récent entretien avec Monsieur Glorieux Christopher, je suis convaincue que son nom prédestinait déjà le succès dans le traitement de notre dossier. Son professionnalisme et sa patience semblent inépuisables, presque magiques, comme s’il avait été trempé dans un chaudron de sérénité ! Ils sont tous exceptionnels, d’une patience sans bornes, prenant le temps de tout expliquer et restant toujours disponibles pour d’éventuelles questions. Un grand merci également aux secrétaires, ou devrais-je dire assistantes, pour leur incroyable gentillesse. Mes remerciements les plus chaleureux à Madame Delrée Ludivine et à Monsieur Glorieux Christopher, pour votre professionnalisme et votre excellence sans faille. 🌟👏 Vous faites toute la différence ! 🙌💐
Florence D.
15:51 31 Jan 24
Après avoir comparés plusieurs banques et courtiers, notre choix fut rapidement fait pour notre crédit.Madame Traversin, en plus de se montrer très efficace, disponible, bienveillante et réactive, nous a tout expliqué très clairement, s’est assurée de notre compréhension et a répondu à toutes questions concernant notre dossier.Le crédit a été rapidement accepté et nous nous sentons soutenus dans toutes les démarches.
Nicole M.
12:13 05 Dec 23
Merci pour votre professionnalisme et votre amabilité 🌷Ma reconnaissance se dirige tout particulièrement vers Madame HAMROUNI qui a su trouver la solution à tout ce qui me semblait irréalisable.Je la recommande vivement pour tous vos projets quels qu’ils soient.De plus, elle est sympa…ce qui ne gâche rien 😊👍

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  2. Sélectionnez le type de projet souhaité (prêt personnel, auto, travaux, regroupement de crédits…).
  3. Indiquez le montant et la durée souhaités.
  4. Obtenez immédiatement une estimation de votre mensualité et du coût total du prêt.
  5. Si l’offre vous convient, vous pouvez introduire une demande en ligne.
💡 Notre équipe reste à votre disposition pour affiner votre projet et vous proposer une offre personnalisée.

Nous vous proposons plusieurs solutions de financement adaptées à vos besoins :
  • Prêt personnel
  • Prêt auto
  • Prêt travaux
  • Regroupement de crédits
  • Et bien d’autres…
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Pour finaliser votre demande de crédit, voici les documents généralement requis :
  • Pièce d’identité (carte d’identité ou passeport en cours de validité).
  • Preuve de revenus (fiches de paie, avertissement extrait de rôle…).
  • Justificatif de domicile.
D’autres documents peuvent être demandés selon votre situation. Un conseiller vous guidera à chaque étape !

Adresses :
  • Agence de Mersch – Rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 12
  • Agence d’Esch-sur-Alzette – Rue de la Libération, 56
  • 📞 Téléphone : +352/
  • 📧 E-mail : info@cpe-credit.com
  • 🌐 Site web : www.cpe-credit.com
💡 Nos conseillers sont à votre écoute pour vous accompagner dans votre projet !

Faire votre demande de crédit avec CPE Crédit, c’est rapide, simple et 100% sécurisé grâce à notre simulateur.
  1. Simulez votre projet via notre simulateur :
    • Sélectionnez le type de projet qui vous convient.
    • Indiquez le montant et la durée pour estimer vos mensualités en quelques secondes.
  2. Recevez le résumé de votre demande directement via notre simulateur.
  3. Si l’offre vous convient, passez à l’étape suivante et faites votre demande.
  4. Complétez le formulaire de demande et renseignez vos informations.
  5. Recevez une réponse de principe immédiate – c’est gratuit et sans engagement !
📞 Besoin d’aide ? Contactez-nous, nos conseillers vous accompagnent à chaque étape ! 😊

Le taux appliqué à votre crédit dépend de plusieurs critères, notamment :
  • ✔ Le type de prêt (prêt personnel, auto, travaux, regroupement de crédits…).
  • ✔ Le montant emprunté : plus le montant est élevé, plus les conditions peuvent varier.
  • ✔ La durée de remboursement : un prêt plus long peut influencer le taux d’intérêt.
Pour obtenir une estimation précise de votre taux (TAEG – Taux Annuel Effectif Global) et de vos mensualités, utilisez notre simulateur en ligne. En quelques clics, vous recevrez une offre adaptée à votre situation, sans engagement. Besoin d’un accompagnement personnalisé ? Nos conseillers sont là pour vous guider !

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