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I’m Expecting a Baby: Tips for Experiencing This Adventure Calmly

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I’m expecting a baby: Discover practical tips for experiencing your pregnancy calmly and preparing for your child’s arrival without stress.

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I’m Expecting a Baby

Are you expecting a baby? It’s wonderful news that should be shared with your loved ones without delay. A true source of happiness and pride for a couple, the arrival of a baby can also raise some financial, material, and sometimes even physical concerns.

To ensure that every future parent can fully enjoy the joy brought by pregnancy, here is a guide to help you experience this magical moment fully and without stress. These tips and information will undoubtedly be useful to you.


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Maternity will bring changes to a woman’s body, but also to her character. Understanding what is happening and knowing the mechanisms that govern pregnancy helps to better overcome anxieties.

To stay on track and welcome the baby with peace of mind, it is important to take care of certain procedures.


If you work, continue your activities unless advised otherwise by a doctor. It can be motivating for you to meet your colleagues, face new challenges, or maintain your performance levels. Also, consider starting to gather information on the formalities to complete before your maternity leave.


Inform your family and in-laws that you are pregnant. By getting closer to them, you will benefit from advice and recommendations that will be useful later on.


During pregnancy, a woman can be subjected to strong psychological and physical tensions. The transformation of her body is sometimes a source of doubts and anxieties. Don’t worry, all of this is natural. Take the time to communicate with your baby and feel them, you will gain moral well-being. Haptonomy is a gentle method that allows future parents to connect with their child through pressures applied to the woman’s belly. It is practiced from 4 and a half months of pregnancy. It is also an opportunity to bring the father closer to his baby and to inaugurate this life as a trio.

Practical Tips

  • During your pregnancy, spend time with your loved ones. It’s an opportunity to celebrate a baby shower with friends. You can have fun while discussing your pregnancy with others who have had the same experience or are going through it.
  • Going on maternity leave well before delivery is an opportunity to take time for yourself and do things that couldn’t be done before. Enjoy movie or spa sessions, long hours of reading, the only limits are your physical state and your wallet!
  • It is normal to feel tired during the last months of pregnancy. If possible, try to get permission to work a few days a week from home to avoid the commute back and forth from home to office.
  • Similarly, it would be preferable to opt for online shopping instead of doing your own shopping. Otherwise, send your husband to the local supermarket with a list to prevent any forgetfulness.
  • Exercise is useful for staying in shape and not gaining weight. However, any risk of injury should be eliminated when practicing it: brisk walking and jogging are popular, provided you wear good shoes that absorb shocks and avoid uneven or hard surfaces. Swimming also engages all muscles and water promotes blood circulation while reducing the risk of edema. It is also possible to do special pregnancy yoga, gentle gymnastics, or the Pilates method.
  • The pregnancy period is an important moment that should be experienced together. Do not hesitate to include your husband in everything related to the baby, such as prenatal visits, ultrasounds, or decorating the nursery.
  • Maintain a good lifestyle to preserve your shape and your baby’s health. Cigarettes, alcohol, and insomnia are the enemies of pregnancy. Similarly, watch your weight gain to eliminate the risk of diabetes or hypertension. A rigorous diet is essential, and the role of the partner can be crucial in this regard.


2nd and 3rd Month

Visit the gynecologist for the first ultrasound between the 11th and 13th week following the start of the last period. The doctor sends a pregnancy declaration to the Health Insurance Fund, which returns a maternity booklet to you. It covers the 7 mandatory prenatal exams as well as a postnatal exam.

4th Month

  • Notify your employer of your condition by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt so that they can already plan your replacement during your maternity leave. This formality also has the advantage of protecting you from dismissal.
  • Don’t forget to reserve your place at the maternity where you will give birth.

5th Month

Start attending childbirth preparation classes, especially since Social Security reimburses the first 8 sessions.

6th and 7th Month

Prepare the child’s room and also start gathering all the essentials for the baby, clothes, bottles, and other childcare items.

8th Month

  • Prepare your suitcase and don’t hesitate to plan for other people who could accompany you to the hospital in case your husband cannot be available at the last moment.
  • Make a list of your loved ones’ phone numbers as well as a taxi company.
  • See the maternity anesthetist to be prepared for any eventuality.
  • Send your work stoppage certificate to Social Security.

9th Month

  • Check if you haven’t forgotten anything.
  • Plan for a camera or video camera if the father insists on capturing the child’s birth.


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Koho C.
08:38 02 Dec 24
Très professionnel
Danielle M.
20:12 25 Nov 24
Aicha S.
18:36 25 Nov 24
Je suis ravie d’avoir contacter vos services, je suis touchée de ce côté professionnel en même temps humain , un énormément merci pour votre réactivité Madame Alonso y Redondo Anaïs, pour votre professionnalisme et savoir faire .Un tout grand merci à Monsieur Debacker Laurent pour votre patience, professionnalisme, ponctualité,Tout est passé a merveille.Bravo 👏
Lili M.
15:30 20 Nov 24
Un service rapide et impeccable merci je recommande fortement madame Pancu.
bruno L.
13:31 24 Oct 24
Parfait très professionnel et sérieux
Rodrigue G.
05:57 14 Oct 24
Après plusieurs mois de recherche et de refus chez plusieurs banquiers et courtiers, je suis tombé par hasard sur le site internet du Crédit Populaire Européen(CPE) où j’ai introduit une demande en ligne. Mon dossier à été attribué à madame Hamrouni qui, après une analyse approfondie de notre situation m’a redonné espoir. En 48h elle avait trouvé une solution pour nous avec un meilleur taux. Je recommande le CPE de Mons et madame Hamrouni en particulier pour son dévouement dans son travail.Merci encore pour tout.
Marie M.
12:43 06 Mar 24
Suite à mon récent entretien avec Monsieur Glorieux Christopher, je suis convaincue que son nom prédestinait déjà le succès dans le traitement de notre dossier. Son professionnalisme et sa patience semblent inépuisables, presque magiques, comme s’il avait été trempé dans un chaudron de sérénité ! Ils sont tous exceptionnels, d’une patience sans bornes, prenant le temps de tout expliquer et restant toujours disponibles pour d’éventuelles questions. Un grand merci également aux secrétaires, ou devrais-je dire assistantes, pour leur incroyable gentillesse. Mes remerciements les plus chaleureux à Madame Delrée Ludivine et à Monsieur Glorieux Christopher, pour votre professionnalisme et votre excellence sans faille. 🌟👏 Vous faites toute la différence ! 🙌💐
Florence D.
15:51 31 Jan 24
Après avoir comparés plusieurs banques et courtiers, notre choix fut rapidement fait pour notre crédit.Madame Traversin, en plus de se montrer très efficace, disponible, bienveillante et réactive, nous a tout expliqué très clairement, s’est assurée de notre compréhension et a répondu à toutes questions concernant notre dossier.Le crédit a été rapidement accepté et nous nous sentons soutenus dans toutes les démarches.
Nicole M.
12:13 05 Dec 23
Merci pour votre professionnalisme et votre amabilité 🌷Ma reconnaissance se dirige tout particulièrement vers Madame HAMROUNI qui a su trouver la solution à tout ce qui me semblait irréalisable.Je la recommande vivement pour tous vos projets quels qu’ils soient.De plus, elle est sympa…ce qui ne gâche rien 😊👍

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  • Agence de Mersch – Rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 12
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Le taux appliqué à votre crédit dépend de plusieurs critères, notamment :
  • ✔ Le type de prêt (prêt personnel, auto, travaux, regroupement de crédits…).
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