You often see zero-interest credit in some stores or advertisements. What is it? Should you be wary of it? Let’s take a closer look at this question.
1. Who offers zero-interest credit?
These are generally favors granted by supermarkets or large stores that have noticed their customers are more inclined to buy certain everyday consumer products when the price is spread over several months.
2. For what types of products?
These are loans granted by large stores to promote the purchase of everyday consumer products such as hi-fi, household appliances, telephony, or internet… etc…
3. Characteristics
These are loans granted for relatively modest amounts and which run over very short periods (a few months).
4. Crédit Populaire Européen
Our brokerage company and most credit intermediaries and banks do not offer zero-interest loans. However, do not hesitate to check our advantageous interest rate loans in the credit solution section of our website.