Your projectsThe Crédit Populaire Européen is an SME active in the brokerage of personal loans and insurance. As a local player in the economic life of our region and Wallonia, we frequently get involved in sponsoring social, cultural, or sporting activities.

What events or activities do we support?

Our priority goes to social, cultural, and sporting initiatives in our region. For instance, we might provide financial support for the organization of clothing or food distribution to people in precarious situations.

Are you organizing a music, theater festival, or any other cultural project? Present your project to us, we will be interested.

Have you decided to organize a hiking or mountain biking event, etc.? Contact us, we might be by your side.

How do we intervene as a sponsor?

We support the organization of your event through financial support.

What do we expect in return?

In return and depending on our intervention, we ask you to ensure the visibility of our brand and logo on your flyers and advertisements. If you have created a website, blog, or Facebook page around the event, we ask you to include our logo and brand among your partners with a link to our website.

We also ask you to prominently display our banners with our brand at the event location.

How to request sponsorship?

We invite you to visit our website. Gather the necessary information and send us your request via our online form.

We will receive you at our offices in Mons, and on this occasion, we will examine your organization file together and find a win-win solution.

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