Motorcycle loanGenerally, it is the aesthetic or mechanical side of the machine that attracts the beginner who wishes to acquire a motorcycle. However, many criteria must be taken into account to combine road pleasure and savings.

From the intended use and desired equipment to the available budget, including the choice of financing method and insurance, nothing should be left to chance.

Buying a motorcycle: new or used?

At first glance, buying a new motorcycle is more appealing for a beginner. Indeed, the shiny appearance of the machine, the gentle purring of the mechanics, and the guarantees offered by the seller are all reasons to opt for a new bike. However, expect a higher purchase price compared to a used motorcycle. Unfortunately, if the rider plans to sell their motorcycle in the future, they will lose much more money than if they had opted for a used vehicle.

The beginner is therefore better off buying a used motorcycle to gain initial riding experience and improve their reflexes if their budget does not allow for a new machine. It is also important to note that the insurance for a used motorcycle is lower than that for a new motorcycle.

The type of motorcycle suitable for beginners

The type of motorcycle that suits a beginner depends mainly on the intended use. For city commuting and daily short trips, the maxi scooter combines comfort and the ability to weave through traffic jams. The roadster is also a suitable mount for beginner riders. Quite maneuverable, it proves to be very reliable and provides a sense of security for the rider.

The sports bike is another affordable machine for beginners. Its advantage lies in its lightness and powerful brakes. If the rider wants to venture onto trails or tracks, the trail bike is the ideal choice with its great height. It takes a bit more experience to tackle ruts, sand, and obstacles with an enduro or trail bike. If the former is approved for street use, the latter is prohibited in cities.

The ideal engine size for a beginner motorcyclist

To start learning to ride a motorcycle and acquire the essential riding reflexes, it is preferable to opt for a low-displacement mount. Indeed, the beginner does not fully master riding techniques and is not entirely familiar with their machine. The best choice is a motorcycle with a 500 to 600 cm³ engine. Its relative power enhances the sensations at the handlebars and it is easier to control.

What about tax advantages?

Riding a motorcycle to work offers considerable tax advantages for the motorcyclist. They can deduct the actual expenses incurred by their new vehicle from their tax return. These include fuel, maintenance and repair costs, protective clothing, insurance premiums, and road tax. Just keep the receipts for these expenses. If the motorcycle is only used to commute to work part of the year, you can request a flat rate of 0.15 euros per kilometer, up to 200 km round trip per day.

It is also advisable to include the depreciation of the motorcycle purchase in your professional expenses. A new motorcycle is typically depreciated over 5 years. However, it is possible to apply a declining balance depreciation after obtaining approval from the tax authorities.

How to finance your first motorcycle?

The purchase of a new or used motorcycle can be financed through a loan. The motorcyclist can choose between a designated loan or an undesignated loan. The installment loan is the ideal solution for a machine whose price exceeds 2,500 euros. The repayment can be spread over 24 to 84 months. Some banks offer to grant a loan equivalent to 110% of the price of the used motorcycle to cover the costs associated with this purchase, such as road tax or the first insurance premium.

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