Are you looking for financing? Do you need money to make personal purchases, to finance the purchase of a car? A mortgage to buy a house, an apartment, or to finance renovation work in your home?
You are faced with a myriad of actors in the credit market, you surf the websites but you remain a bit worried because you do not know exactly what lies behind a credit intermediary.
We have created this little information letter and an explanatory video to reassure you and to explain very simply the process of a credit application in our company.
Our credit solutions
We grant credits for all purposes: from the need for cash to car financing or a mortgage to buy or renovate your house or apartment.
Your application must reach at least €2,500 and you must be domiciled in Belgium or the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Submit your application
You have the choice between:
Don’t forget that we have a loan simulator that will allow you to get a precise idea of the monthly payment you will have to repay based on the amount borrowed.
We transmit your credit application to one of our partners
Crédit Populaire works with 20 different financial partners, which allows us to guarantee you the best rate on the market.
We transmit to our different partners and keep the one that offers us the best conditions based on your request and profile.
We get a response within 24 hours of your request.
We defend your application
If we encounter a refusal, our brokers immediately contact the aggregators to defend your file, or we submit your request to another financial institution.
Remember that if you are listed with the National Bank of Belgium due to a default recorded in one of your previous credits, you will have to wait a year after settling this contentious credit to be able to borrow again.
Signing your credit contract
As long as you have not signed your credit contract, you are not bound by anything.
When your file is accepted, we will give you an appointment to sign your credit contract.
We can meet you in Mons, Brussels, Arlon, and Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxembourg.
When signing, you must bring the following documents:
- Your identity card (and residence card for foreigners);
- Your last three pay slips;
- Your bank statements proving that your salary is indeed deposited into one of your current accounts.
If you are married, your partner must also sign the credit contract.
Receiving the funds
The borrowed funds will be transferred to your current account within 48 hours of signing your credit contract. For obvious security reasons, you will never receive the money in cash at one of our agencies.
You will start the monthly repayments within the month of signing your credit.