credit works

The work credit allows you to make the necessary renovations to a house. Whether it is to beautify it, enlarge it, make it more comfortable or optimize its energy performance, it is important to prepare your work file well to hope to obtain financing.

The file creation stage deserves all the attention, whatever the nature of the loan requested. Even if the borrower has the choice between the different forms of work credit available, he must not forget that the ideal loan is the one that best corresponds to his profile and his financial situation.

The essential documents to obtain a work loan

A carefully established work credit file is already a big step towards obtaining the loan.

Among the documents that must make up this file are:

  1. the authentic deed, intended to justify that the building being the subject of the work actually belongs to the borrower. Most of the time, this is a property title or, failing that, an extract from the property tax roll issued by the competent authorities.
  2. Copies of the identity cards of the debtors or guarantors, if they exist, must be attached to this file for a work credit.
  3. It is also important to request a quote from the professional responsible for carrying out the planned repairs and attach this document to the file.
  4. To complete the file, proof of the borrower’s income, that is to say the last three salary slips accompanied by a bank account statement, must be provided to the bank so that it can define the repayment capacity.
  5. Finally, if there are outstanding loans, it is imperative to inform the credit organization by means of supporting documentation.

Other tips and recommendations

To help the borrower properly prepare their work file and compare the different offers, there are free online simulators including the one we offer on each page of our site. It will allow you to obtain all the details about your credit, including fees.

If the work to be carried out is significant, it is wise to use the services of an architect. This can, in fact, bring together all the quotes from several service providers and offer the best choice. It can also harmonize the various projects to avoid any loss of time and money.

It is also recommended to be present on the construction site as often as possible so that you can react immediately in the event of a problem. You must also remain very vigilant when receiving the work and not hesitate to express reservations.

For more information :

  • Consult this page to discover our “work credit” product
  • Also consult our article on the Breyne law

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