If you do not pay two installments, your lending institution is legally obligated to terminate your credit contract and request your listing with the National Bank of Belgium. In this case, you will no longer be able to borrow on the credit market until your dispute is resolved.
The vast majority of credit applications are made by phone. However, when your application is accepted, you will need to make an appointment with one of our advisors who will review your supporting documents and give you the credit contract for signing.
You must contact us immediately. We will find a solution together. Remember that after 2 missed installments, your lending institution will terminate your credit contract and you will be listed with the National Bank of Belgium. In this case, you will no longer be able to borrow on the credit market.
Vous devez attendre une période de trois mois et un jour pour introduire une nouvelle demande.
Contact us by phone. Our advisors will take your request by phone.
Of course. A large majority of our customers are not Belgian.
The identity card of each borrower in valid order or valid passport. If the borrower is a foreigner but resides in Belgium or Luxembourg, he or she must present a Luxembourg resident card or Belgian residence permit. The last 3 original salary slips from each borrower as well as the last 3 bank statements proving the receipt of your salary into your bank account.
There is no age limit for borrowing. Our advisors analyze your situation on a case-by-case basis.
In general, credit requests are taken by our advisors over the telephone. We then submit the file to one of our financial partners who gives us a response within 24 hours. If your application is accepted, we will schedule an appointment for you at one of our agencies so that you can sign your credit contract.
No way. The amount of your credit is paid to your usual current account.