The Salon Batibouw 2024 is a major exhibition for the interior design and construction industry in Belgium, which takes place once a year.

Participants are professionals who are interested in the latest trends in design and construction.

It is therefore between February 20 and 25, 2024 that the next Batibouw show will open within the Brussels Expo palaces.

Your show for the construction, renovation and beautification of your home: discover our special credit conditions now.

Do you have real estate projects in mind? Construction, work, renovation, beautification: it’s the ideal time! With the Batibouw salon, take advantage of advantageous credit conditions. There will be around 1,000 stands open on the site!

BATIBOUW, the largest Belgian Construction, Renovation and Arrangement exhibition for professionals and individuals takes place from February 20 to 25, 2024.

BATIBOUW is the largest Belgian Construction exhibition

but also Renovation and Interior Design for professionals and individuals.

The Batibouw trade fair is the meeting place for home, real estate and construction specialists. You will virtually find your exhibitors, advice and professionals who will help you carry out the construction, renovation or beautification of your home.

Practical tips


Online tickets

  • Adults: €15
  • Children (up to 16 years): free
  • Groups: €13 (min. 15 tickets)
  • Afterwork: Free on weekdays from 4 p.m. (evening included).

Visit BATIBOUW and train!

For each purchase or registration of a ticket online, you receive an SNCB code directly on your ticket allowing you to purchase a Discovery Ticket. You then benefit from a 50% reduction on your round trip to Brussels-Midi!
More information on the Discovery Ticket here

Tickets on site

We advise you to purchase your tickets online in advance to avoid lines at the entrance to the show.
Please note, it is not possible to pay on site with cash (cards only).

  • Adults: €15
  • Children (up to 16 years): free
  • Afterwork: Free on weekdays from 4 p.m. (evening included).

Practical information about batibouw

BATIBOUW is accessible from Tuesday February 20 to Sunday February 25, 2024.

Business hours :

  • 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily
  • Late nights on 02/23 until 10:00 p.m.

BATIBOUW 2024 an emphasis on ecology!

The show has always strived to be visionary since its inception. For example, they were concerned about environmental issues during the 1970 oil crisis by creating a space for isolation. They also became interested in solar panels in 2000 by creating a space for them. In 2023, they plan to present the objectives pushed by the European Commission related to carbon neutrality by 2050.

The CEO of the company that hosts Batibouw, Frédéric François, says the show has a role to play in the evolution of the construction sector. Indeed, this will allow the construction sector to reduce its waste production, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, he says.

In order to offer a sustainable show next year, Batibouw will not install 30,000 square meters of carpet in the aisles. Instead, they will reuse signage, sort waste more carefully and generate less plastic. Additionally, organizers will select exhibitors based on the sustainability of their products and services.

By shortening the duration of the show, exhibitors will consume less electricity, heat and travel. The organizers of Batibouw claim that this will have a positive impact on participants with more qualitative contacts. They claim this shortened length is in line with many other shows of similar size.

Zone d’Inspiration du salon Batibouw 2024

To continue the momentum of the 2020 show, there will be a new inspiration space. A space where exhibitors’ products are displayed, allowing future builders and renovators to find inspiration for your home.

Batibouw and your personal loan

You can finance your expense with personal credit, an installment loan or consumer credit. Use our simulator by specifying the nature of your project.

Your mortgage credit

During the duration of the show, we have special conditions in terms of mortgage credit, renovation credit, works credit. Find out now!

There are undoubtedly many of you wondering how and by whom the interest rates that affect your credits in Belgium are set. This is what we will examine in a very simplified way in this article.

From the outset, we can say that the interest rate is truly the crux of the matter for prospective borrowers. In fact, this is the first thing that the customer will look at and this is normal because the amount of their annual repayment will essentially depend on the interest rate. However, we will see that this is not the only criterion to which we should pay attention.

1.The difference between the APR and the interest rate

The annual effective rate, abbreviated T.AE.G, is the interest rate which affects a consumer credit or an installment loan.

When it comes to mortgage credit, we talk about interest rates.

2.How are the amount of the APR and the amount of interest rates determined?

The minimum and maximum T.A.E.G. are determined by law. They are therefore not left to the discretion of your bankers. Note that a credit intermediary that is not a financial institution has very little power in this matter apart from its commission.

Since February 1, 2007, a new method has made it possible to set the maximum overall annual effective rates.

At the end of March and the end of September, we examine whether the maximum percentages will be adapted, following a minimum modification of the reference indices of 0.75 points. The reference index for opening credit is the monthly average of the three-month Euribor interbank interest rate. The new maximum overall annual effective rates come into force on the first day of the second month following the month of their publication in the Belgian Official Gazette.

Regarding interest rates: several key factors are behind the calculation of the rate, risk management and the duration of the loan in particular. A credit institution increases its interest rates according to the risks it incurs for a loan extending over time.

3.Why are interest rates much lower than APRs?

To simplify, the difference in rates between the two types of credit is explained firstly by the notion of guarantee requested from the borrower for real estate loans: mortgage, guarantee or privilege of the lender of funds which greatly reduce the cost unpaid debts. In terms of mortgage credit, the bank takes a mortgage registration on your house and therefore has a guarantee of choice. As a result, it can afford to grant lower interest rates.

4.What are the main interest rates?

Interest rates vary both depending on the type of credit but also depending on the length of the repayment spread over time and the guarantees offered by borrowers.

It is obvious that the longer the duration of the loan, the lower the interest rate will be.

Likewise, the greater the guarantees offered, the lower the interest rate will be.

Here are a few different APR categories:

·New car financing (around 4%)

·Used car financing (around 7%)

·Work financing (around 5%)

·Consumer loan (around 9%)

·Mortgage credit (around 4%)

· …

Our credit simulator on our website is a valuable tool in this regard and provides you with total transparency.

5.Is the interest rate the only element I need to pay attention to?

No, the prospective borrower should also distinguish between variable rates and fixed rates. Very often, loans with variable rates primarily focus on the repayment of interest, while loans with fixed rates prioritize the repayment of capital. The latter are of course always slightly higher but are more concerned with the interests of the consumer who repays their capital more quickly.

6.How to explain the difference in interest rates between credit brokers?

The amount of interest rates being determined by law, it is essentially the broker’s commission that will make the difference.

credit contract

In this turbulent period on the job market where unfortunately many citizens are losing their jobs following a company restructuring or a relocation of commercial activity, many of our worried customers are asking us about this question. thorny consequences of a job loss on their current credit contract. We will take stock of this issue with you.

Current events require, here is a subject that interests our Internet users. Unfortunately, the sovereign debt crisis which has taken hold throughout Europe has convinced a number of governments to adopt austerity measures intended to contain public deficits within the limits set by Europe.

The consequences were not long in coming since Europe entered into recession, mainly following a very significant slowdown in household consumption. The automobile industry and the steel industry, to name but a few, have disastrous results which are forcing the managers concerned to find solutions. Unfortunately, it is often on the employment front that the fallout is heaviest. The year 2012 saw records in Belgium fall for bankruptcy declarations and job losses. In France, every day sees nearly…1,500 jobs lost.

Unfortunately, it is the middle classes who are affected: workers, executives and to a lesser extent senior executives. This is unfortunate because it is this category of people who borrow and who could be faced with credit risk.

What about a layoff on your current credit? This brief analysis applies to both the installment loan and the mortgage loan.

The principle

The dismissal has no impact on your credit contract. In short, you must continue to pay except for the risk of having your credit denounced. If you borrowed together, the entire credit falls on the creditworthy co-borrower. The latter cannot absolutely claim to have his charge reduced by half.

The parades

They are not numerous. Either you have borrowed with a co-borrower who will be able to assume the burden of the credit, until you can find a new source of income or you are the owner of a building free of charges. In this case, it is possible to grant you a new loan (mortgage) which will repay the current one by taking our pledges on your property.

Job loss insurance

This insurance has a bright future unfortunately. If you feel that your professional activity is threatened, it will even become essential to take out this type of insurance.

Characteristics and conditions of job loss insurance.

It is entirely possible – and even recommended – to take out this type of insurance when entering into your credit contract. This insurance can accompany both an installment loan and a mortgage loan.

Terms ?

  • Be at least 21 years old;
  • Waiting period of 6 months after signing the credit contract;
  • Be bound by a permanent contract;
  • Have completed your one month trial period 3 months;
  • Be able to claim unemployment benefits.

Blanket ?

Coverage is not unlimited. Some insurance policies guarantee you up to 12 months of reimbursement of monthly payments after your dismissal. Of course, based on the replacement income that you can earn, a breakdown will be made regarding insurance coverage. You will need to discuss this with your insurer and carefully read your insurance contract to assess its exact scope.

Can we establish a link between the contraction in the number of installment loans granted and the financial health of national and European stock markets? A quick update on a burning current issue.

A worrying observation

The financial crisis that we are experiencing in Europe began in 2008 and was directly exported from the subprime crisis in the United States. Subsequently, awareness of the abysmal evolution of sovereign debts in Europe considerably contributed to tarnishing a financial activity that had been flirting with recession for months.

A consequence quickly appeared: the financial health of the banks deteriorated and so did credit activity, with the corollary being a much less generous loan and credit policy.

The causes of the financial crisis

The severe and lasting crisis which is raging and undermining the financial health of Europe has essentially three origins:

  1. The export of the subprime crisis to the United States.
    In short, US banks granted mortgage loans to indebted households and in return speculated on the upward trend in the market value of real estate. Unfortunately, this disconcertingly naive scheme collapsed like a house of cards as soon as the real estate market turned around, producing the opposite desired effect;
  2. Financial speculation by European banks buying sovereign debt from seriously indebted southern European countries.
    The banks helped to burden the southern states by granting them large loans. The other side of the coin is that certain countries such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal have made partial defaults and Europe has had to agree to debt write-downs with the corollary of bank failures;
  3. Endemic bad governance in states in Europe, across the Atlantic and even in Asia – with Japan in the lead.
    States spend much more than they collect in tax revenue. The well-established welfare state model in Europe is shaking on its foundations and social benefits must be reduced.

Your money and the stock market

Between 2008 and 2011, the health of global stock markets was catastrophic. The returns on investment have been largely negative. Both stocks and corporate bonds suffered severely. A golden rule for small investors: only invest in what you don’t need.

And now what am I going to do?

It appears that the sovereign debt crisis in Europe is now under control. Banking activity is slowly picking up and stock market assets are slowly but surely moving upwards. Now is the time to invest for the most daring.

Banking stocks, sidelined for so long, are gradually regaining color. Credit activity will undoubtedly still be very precarious in 2013 but 2014 should present itself as the new dawn of credit activity.

Senior credit

It’s no secret that life expectancy has increased significantly thanks to advances in healthcare and it’s a trend that continues.

It is so true that in various European countries, governments are campaigning for the raising of the retirement age. The aging of the population certainly has a considerable impact in the world of credit and this is noticeable with the increase in credits intended for seniors. A quick overview

Simulate your credit online

The “Senior” mortgage loan: up to 90 years in arrears!

Something that was still impossible just 5 years ago: organizations allow seniors to borrow up to the age of 90 in arrears!

The duration of the mortgage loan must be one year at least and cover a sum of at least €30,000. This loan can thus allow seniors to do work on their house but above all… to help younger family members by taking out a mortgage on their house.

Liquidity credit

It’s obvious: you have to wait over the years to be able to treat yourself and the banks have understood this perfectly: financing a vacation, a trip, leaving a joint ownership, family debts, the death of a loved one, etc. .

Banks grant installment loans to increasingly older seniors. The conditions will be established on a case-by-case basis depending on the amounts borrowed, the duration of the loan requested and the guarantees offered.

How to invest in the stock market You have surely noticed that the money that is deposited in your savings account no longer earns you almost any annual interest. The average interest rate of all banks in Belgium is close to 1%, including the annual loyalty bonus. Skinny all the same…

When we know that inflation is around 2 to 3% on average each year in Belgium, you will have understood that the money sitting in your savings account actually costs you more than it saves you. pays off to the extent that it depreciates more quickly than it earns you interest. A terrible observation!

Is there a way to get interest on your money? Contrary to what the banks tell you, there are many financial investment solutions. Follow the guide through this (too) succinct article.

Money that sleeps is money that depreciates

Only leave money in your checking and savings account that you absolutely need. In general, it is recommended to leave the equivalent of six months’ salary unless you know that you will have to face a major expense in the coming weeks or months.

You hate risk and are ready to lock in your savings for 3 to 10 years

So you might be tempted to block your savings in a term account. If you agree to block your savings for a period of 10 years, some banks will grant you interest of almost 4% gross.

The principle of the term account is that you cannot move your savings. It is however possible to do so under certain conditions but you will then in principle lose the benefit of your investment.

Invest in stocks

You can decide to buy shares of companies listed on the stock exchange. Only invest in the stock market if your knowledge allows you to do so and if you are certain that you can devote time each week to follow financial news in general and more specific financial news relating to your investments. There are some very good financial magazines that can help you familiarize yourself with the financial markets. Take the time to read reviews every week for at least 6 months before making your first investments.

We can recommend the magazine L’Investeur de Test Purchase and Initié de la Bourse

Do not take this advice as gospel. Make up your own mind and take the time to think carefully about your investments.

Equity investments in recent years have yielded more than 10% capital gains per year. Finally, we must not forget that certain companies distribute dividends which can sometimes reach more than 7% gross, such as Belgacom, Telenet, Bpost, etc.

This return adds well to the evolution of the stock price.

Investing in stocks always represents a significant risk and you must be sure to accept fluctuations in your investments. There will be years of regression or even crash and positive years. On average over the last 50 years, the equity investor has obtained a positive net return on investment of 5%.

Is it enough to counterbalance your stress? Up to you…

Investing in bonds

A bond is a loan issued by a company that earns you a fixed annual interest. Bond prices vary less than those of stocks but contrary to popular belief, prices also vary and bonds are not financial products devoid of all risk.

The principle of a bond is to earn you annual interest and to repay your capital at the maturity of the bond except in the event of bankruptcy of the company.

The bonds benefit from a rating on which the interest rates will essentially depend. Ratings range from AAA to D.

Again, depending on the risks that the investor is willing to take, interest rates are higher or lower. Thus an AAA bond will yield around 1.5% net while a BB- bond can carry annual interest of nearly 6 to 7% gross.

These financial products can be very interesting investment instruments. For more information on bond products, we recommend the website of the stockbroking company Goldwasser Exchange.

Three essential basic principles

Do you want to enter the financial markets? Very good, but never lose sight of these three essential fundamental principles:

  1. Don’t invest money you don’t need right away;
  2. Have an investment horizon of at least 3 to 5 years;
  3. Diversify your investments: diversification is essential so as not to centralize all the risks in a few financial products.

Discretionary or personal management?

All major banks will provide you with a personal banker. They will offer you discretionary management, meaning that an investment specialist will manage your investments while respecting your prerogatives.

We personally believe that if you are able to manage and know the products you purchase, you will have more satisfaction in assuming your risks yourself. Of course this last solution requires knowledge, time and…endurance to stress.

More information on

 How to invest in the stock market You have surely noticed that the money that is deposited in your savings account no longer earns you almost any annual interest. The average interest rate of all banks in Belgium is close to 1%, including the annual loyalty bonus. Skinny all the same…

When we know that inflation is around 2 to 3% on average each year in Belgium, you will have understood that the money sitting in your savings account actually costs you more than it saves you. pays off to the extent that it depreciates more quickly than it earns you interest. A terrible observation!

Is there a way to get interest on your money? Contrary to what the banks tell you, there are many financial investment solutions. Follow the guide through this (too) succinct article.

Money that sleeps is money that depreciates

Only leave money in your checking and savings account that you absolutely need. In general, it is recommended to leave the equivalent of six months’ salary unless you know that you will have to face a major expense in the coming weeks or months.

You hate risk and are ready to lock in your savings for 3 to 10 years

So you might be tempted to block your savings in a term account. If you agree to block your savings for a period of 10 years, some banks will grant you interest of almost 4% gross.

The principle of the term account is that you cannot move your savings. It is however possible to do so under certain conditions but you will then in principle lose the benefit of your investment.

Invest in stocks

You can decide to buy shares of companies listed on the stock exchange. Only invest in the stock market if your knowledge allows you to do so and if you are certain that you can devote time each week to follow financial news in general and more specific financial news relating to your investments. There are some very good financial magazines that can help you familiarize yourself with the financial markets. Take the time to read reviews every week for at least 6 months before making your first investments.

We can recommend the magazine L’Investeur de Test Purchase and Initié de la Bourse

Do not take this advice as gospel. Make up your own mind and take the time to think carefully about your investments.

Equity investments in recent years have yielded more than 10% capital gains per year. Finally, we must not forget that certain companies distribute dividends which can sometimes reach more than 7% gross, such as Belgacom, Telenet, Bpost, etc.

This return adds well to the evolution of the stock price.

Investing in stocks always represents a significant risk and you must be sure to accept fluctuations in your investments. There will be years of regression or even crash and positive years. On average over the last 50 years, the equity investor has obtained a positive net return on investment of 5%.

Is it enough to counterbalance your stress? Up to you…

Investing in bonds

A bond is a loan issued by a company that earns you a fixed annual interest. Bond prices vary less than those of stocks but contrary to popular belief, prices also vary and bonds are not financial products devoid of all risk.

The principle of a bond is to earn you annual interest and to repay your capital at the maturity of the bond except in the event of bankruptcy of the company.

The bonds benefit from a rating on which the interest rates will essentially depend. Ratings range from AAA to D.

Again, depending on the risks that the investor is willing to take, interest rates are higher or lower. Thus an AAA bond will yield around 1.5% net while a BB- bond can carry annual interest of nearly 6 to 7% gross.

These financial products can be very interesting investment instruments. For more information on bond products, we recommend the website of the stockbroking company Goldwasser Exchange.

Three essential basic principles

Do you want to enter the financial markets? Very good, but never lose sight of these three essential fundamental principles:

  1. Don’t invest money you don’t need right away;
  2. Have an investment horizon of at least 3 to 5 years;
  3. Diversify your investments: diversification is essential so as not to centralize all the risks in a few financial products.

Discretionary or personal management?

All major banks will provide you with a personal banker. They will offer you discretionary management, meaning that an investment specialist will manage your investments while respecting your prerogatives.

We personally believe that if you are able to manage and know the products you purchase, you will have more satisfaction in assuming your risks yourself. Of course this last solution requires knowledge, time and…endurance to stress.

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Can a student borrow?

From what age can you take out a credit or mortgage loan? Can students borrow without parental help?

You wish to acquire a moped, a scooter, a car, take out a loan to finance your leisure activities, or even better to pay the rent of your accommodation, your university fees, the purchase of your courses, equipment necessary school…

Can you borrow when you are still a minor?
Simulate your credit online
We are receiving more and more credit requests from people who have not yet reached the age of majority.

What is he? Update on this important issue.

Student credit

Student credit

The law is final in Belgium and as in most other European countries.

A minor – that is to say for Belgium a person who has not reached the age of 18 – is considered civilly incapable.

The law does not allow him to commit and therefore take legal action. He is deemed legally incapable and will need his parents or legal guardians to represent him in all circumstances.

A young person under the age of 18 cannot therefore take out a credit or loan of any kind on their own.

The legislator wanted to protect the minor against inconsiderate acts which he might regret later, acts which could thus heavily burden his assets for many years.

Is there an alternative solution?

Of course ! In their capacity as legal representatives, the parents of the minor or in the absence of parents, a legal guardian (under the control of the Justice of the Peace) can borrow for the minor.

In this case, the credit contract is not signed by the young person but directly by their parents or legal guardian.

The minor as such does not contract any legal obligation.

Student credit in the United States

On the other side of the Atlantic, it’s a very different story that has always been written because statistics reveal that on average young people who leave high schools or universities are in debt to the tune of almost $25,000 or roughly €20,000.

These are loans granted to them by banking establishments with the sole aim of completing higher education.

The young graduate then repays this credit as soon as he receives his first salary.

Supporters of this facility consider that it is an excellent way of allowing young minors whose parents do not have sufficient financial resources to also access studies, while others criticize the fact that these young people enter professional life with financial liabilities which already amount to €20.00.

Everyone has their own opinion. As far as we are concerned, we refer to the economic dynamism that exists in the United States to encourage our legislators to allow students to borrow solely for the purpose of higher education (to pay school fees, the rent of a student room, the purchase of courses, language courses, the purchase of school materials, a vehicle to get to courses, etc.).

This is an intelligent way of empowering young people very early in their professional career.

It is obvious that a bank can assess the quality of the candidate borrower based on the academic results obtained prior to their credit application.

Social equality is also considered funding even if it is an idea that a certain political tendency definitely cannot grasp, like many other concepts elsewhere…

We must plead so that one day perhaps Europe can have broad ideas and ambitions so that our young talents remain European…

Simulate your credit online

What is fixed interest rate? 

In this formula, you benefit from an interest rate which will be identical for the entire duration of the execution of the loan / mortgage credit.

This is a particularly interesting formula when rates are low and likely to increase over time. Currently interest rates are historically low and this is therefore the ideal formula.

What is the semi-fixed interest rate? 

In this formula, you benefit from a fixed rate for a period of 10 years and then a rate review takes place.

This formula is interesting when rates are likely to increase in the future.

What is the graduated interest rate? 

In this formula, you repay more interest than capital. The monthly payments are linked to the index and increase by €30 to €40 every two years.

This is a particularly interesting formula for young people whose professional salary is expected to increase over the course of their career.

In Europe we have been going through a major financial crisis since 2008: in fact, the unemployment rate has never been so high, it has reached a record figure of 12% of the total population of Europe and the number of bankruptcies is also breaking records. records every year.

The governments of the European Economic Area are trying to revive growth after several quarters of recession; growth is reappearing but very weakly. This gloomy economic environment is obviously felt in the world of credit. Update on this hot topic.

Belgians are always borrowing more with credit in Belgium

Belgians are borrowing more and more for secondary purposes

Ten or 20 years ago, Belgians borrowed mainly to buy a house, to build or renovate their house or to take out car financing. Currently, it has become quite common to take out a loan to go on a trip, buy school books or finance cosmetic surgery. In 2010, barely 6% of  installment loans were used for such personal projects compared to almost 15% now, a dizzying increase of 9% in just 3 years. .

Belgians borrow larger amounts

At the end of June 2012, Belgians still accumulated around 2 million installment loans, i.e. 12% more than 10 years ago according to figures from the Professional Credit Union (PCU). The cumulative amount of all these loans was equivalent to a total of 16.63 billion euros, an increase of almost 57% over a period of 10 years…

The amounts borrowed are also much greater. a survey carried out on 1,200 people representing a significant panel showed that 46% were repaying a loan at the time of the survey compared to 38% three years earlier.

The amount of defaults has never been higher

As a corollary to the explosion in the number of loans, the amount of Belgian defaults reached 2.888 billion euros in August 2013 and has never been so high in Belgium according to the latest figures from the Personal credit center.

Mortgage credit in slow motion

Although consumer confidence is on the rise, the economic situation remains difficult. Thus, requests for mortgage credit declined in August. According to figures for the month of August from the UPC mortgage credit barometer, the number of mortgage credit applications decreased by 6.8% on an annual basis, while the amount of applications fell by 6.4%.

The credits granted have also declined in terms of demand (-13%) and amount (-10%).

We therefore see an evolution in the opposite direction of mortgage credit compared to the installment loan.