I am looking for a banker

Choosing your banker has become a complex task. Indeed, transparency is not always the strong point of banks. It is often difficult to know the exact amount of fees that affect your current or savings account.

Sometimes banks run promotional campaigns to tout a higher interest rate, but these actions are usually temporary and only apply to new deposits. It is also difficult to understand the calculation of loyalty bonuses.

What should guide your choice is undoubtedly the degree of transparency you observe in your interactions with your banker.

I organize…

Finding the right banking partner is a vast program.

However, this question is very important because there are significant differences between bankers.

Remember that the Crédit Populaire Européen is not a bank but a broker in loans and insurance, meaning that our company receives your loan or credit application and is tasked with finding a bank that will offer you the best interest rate on the market.

Our greatest advantage is therefore not being a bank and not being tied to any of our products but rather making the competition between banks work so that one of them offers you the best rate.

Practical tips

How to find the right banker?

The banking world can sometimes seem a bit opaque and it is not always easy to get the concrete information you are looking for.

Here are some tips that can certainly help you:

  1. Get informed: compare the conditions of banks regarding the fees for maintaining your savings and current accounts.
  2. Do not trust blindly: ask questions when you do not have the answer to your question or when you feel that the situation lacks transparency.
  3. Do not hesitate to change banks if you find that another bank offers you better conditions.
  4. Do not rush headlong into the products that may be recommended to you. Read the promotional offers carefully and ask questions. Often a bank offers you a better rate but for a very limited duration (three months) and then charges higher management fees…
  5. Read specialized magazines. They have the great advantage of being neutral and objective and some clearly defend the interests of consumers and also sometimes offer free hotlines where you can ask your questions frankly. You will get objective and unbiased answers.
  6. Having difficulties with your bank? Request a meeting with the branch manager. Go above the employees. You will be better received and your complaint will be better listened to.
  7. The manager of your bank does not fully satisfy you, contact the Bank Mediation Service. This service is an impartial mediation service that can help you resolve problems with a member financial institution. Only natural persons can appeal to the mediation service for complaints concerning their private interests. Legal persons can only contact the Bank – Credit – Investment Mediation Service for complaints related to cross-border payments of a maximum amount of 50,000 euros.

You can contact:

Madame Françoise Sweerts or Mr. François Bayi, permanent representatives of consumer interests whose offices are located at Rue Belliard 15-17 bte 8 1040 Brussels Tel.: 02/545 77 70 Fax: 02/545 77 79.

That’s it, you have decided to change your banker? CPE now guides you in choosing your credit. Simply enter the amount you need, and let yourself be guided!

* Warning, borrowing money also costs money.